Thursday, August 13, 2009

Save Brandywine!

More sad news in the world of losing our battlefields. Brandywine Battlefield, one of the largest and of the bloodiest battles fought in the Revolutionary War, is due to close in the coming future. Closing the battlefield will have an impact on the visitor center, Washington and Lafayette's headquarters as well as the cancellation of a battle reenactment.

Visit Save Brandywine to learn how you can help keep it open.

1 comment:

  1. Just for the record,
    The Brandywine Battlefield is unchanged. However, The Brandywine Battlefield State Park, which isn't on land that was fought over, is closed. The "Washington's Headquarter's" there is a 1950 conjecture of what the house might have been in 1777 that differs significantly from what actually was there earlier. There are no outbuildings, no privy, no woodpile. The Gilpin - Painter house wasn't used as Lafayette's Headquarters nor quarters, that long-standing myth has finally been acknowledged by the Park's Historian. (Check the Park website)
    The Park is great for picnics and running your dogs, but as a historical site seriously lacks authenticity.
    The 2009 battle reenactment was previously cancelled.

    And of course Yorktown was the largest battle of the Revolution, and the most important.
